Whispers from a horse throat
Ohh man, my throat is starting to kill me again.
Apparently the way I drink water distrubs Billy... Too bad! I'm 17 years old, and I'm not going to change the way I drink my water!
Anywho, I dunno... Just wanted to say that.
Umm... I don't know when I last blogged, but it doesn't matter, not much important happened to me before Friday... That I can remember...
Okay, so Friday want normal. I was a bit worried about the Napoleon test, but luckily Jones didn't show, I then went to math. Grad rehearsal was quite a joke, and then I decided against going to English. After all of that I went to B&T with Sam and enjoyed a good 303, one of the best 303's I've ever had! I just caught the bus up-town, and was on my way home! After finding my AR I went to Billy's. I took him to Top Games and then I ran to School.
Just a breif stop here to tell you all that I was quite sick since I woke up.
Anyway, at school I met with everyone, and waited for the bus, which ended up being quite late.
The bus ride there was nothing special, but when we got there, there were litteraly thousands of schools. Sarah made it seem that there wouldn't be too many schools, but whatev.
The line in was long, the line for rides were long, and for the first hour or two it was only Pete and I, and things got kinda down, due to my being sick and to Pete being a tad down. We went on that damnable spaceship that went all the way upside-down and back again, scared the piss out of me... And all of these stupid ass people kept bein like "Ohh, our friends are just infront", or sometimes they would just walk infront without a word, I didn't want to get shenked or taken away on an ambulance like a lot of people there, so I was just like... Ahh well, I shall enjoy the ride when I get there. And I did!
I havn't effectively cleansed myself of the fear of rollercoasters, but I am on my way. Or so it seems.
But anyway, Pete and I rejoined a bunch of friends, and while we were taking a ride on Tomb Raider, we saw Dan and the gang in line, we yelled at them, and they yelled at us. Fuck, as I was getting up onto tomb raider my ring got stuck between one of the hand holds and the side of the cage thing, and my hang got stuck, but with a little wiggling I got it out, scared me for a second though. Twas a good ride, kinda like being tossed around in a cage. I liked the upside down parts, lol. I had to keep my glasses on though, because I didn't feel too confidant getting on the ride with them off, and then I couldn't reach my pocket when I was in the "cage".
Umm... Right now I am just going to fast-forward to me getting off the bus to go home, because right now almost everything between then is a blur.
I had to walk home from Sherwood at 3 o'clock in the morning while I was half asleep, and very very sick. Argh, stupid ass sickness, ruining one of the best weekends ever.
Twas such a nice weekend, weather wise that is. Like... Twas quite hot, I went out both day, but whatever.
Hmm... Today Billy and I went on quite an outing to Dairy Queen, I now have 61 cents in my chequing account because of that outing! But I was impressed about the Reeses Cups Blizzard.
Since then I've just been chilling at home, litteraly chilling, the only thing that is keeping me alive now is a fan that is continuously blowing cold air into my face, good thing I got that fan last summer!
Well, it is time now for honourable meantions, and this time around they go out to Bumper. He may be on the same level as dirt... But he sure does love rolling in it, that crazy bastard. He and his jowls are an excellent combination, and I figure he is plotting to destroy something... What that something is, no one knows... Except his excellency, Arch Duke Bumper III!
My most sincere appologies,
Apparently the way I drink water distrubs Billy... Too bad! I'm 17 years old, and I'm not going to change the way I drink my water!
Anywho, I dunno... Just wanted to say that.
Umm... I don't know when I last blogged, but it doesn't matter, not much important happened to me before Friday... That I can remember...
Okay, so Friday want normal. I was a bit worried about the Napoleon test, but luckily Jones didn't show, I then went to math. Grad rehearsal was quite a joke, and then I decided against going to English. After all of that I went to B&T with Sam and enjoyed a good 303, one of the best 303's I've ever had! I just caught the bus up-town, and was on my way home! After finding my AR I went to Billy's. I took him to Top Games and then I ran to School.
Just a breif stop here to tell you all that I was quite sick since I woke up.
Anyway, at school I met with everyone, and waited for the bus, which ended up being quite late.
The bus ride there was nothing special, but when we got there, there were litteraly thousands of schools. Sarah made it seem that there wouldn't be too many schools, but whatev.
The line in was long, the line for rides were long, and for the first hour or two it was only Pete and I, and things got kinda down, due to my being sick and to Pete being a tad down. We went on that damnable spaceship that went all the way upside-down and back again, scared the piss out of me... And all of these stupid ass people kept bein like "Ohh, our friends are just infront", or sometimes they would just walk infront without a word, I didn't want to get shenked or taken away on an ambulance like a lot of people there, so I was just like... Ahh well, I shall enjoy the ride when I get there. And I did!
I havn't effectively cleansed myself of the fear of rollercoasters, but I am on my way. Or so it seems.
But anyway, Pete and I rejoined a bunch of friends, and while we were taking a ride on Tomb Raider, we saw Dan and the gang in line, we yelled at them, and they yelled at us. Fuck, as I was getting up onto tomb raider my ring got stuck between one of the hand holds and the side of the cage thing, and my hang got stuck, but with a little wiggling I got it out, scared me for a second though. Twas a good ride, kinda like being tossed around in a cage. I liked the upside down parts, lol. I had to keep my glasses on though, because I didn't feel too confidant getting on the ride with them off, and then I couldn't reach my pocket when I was in the "cage".
Umm... Right now I am just going to fast-forward to me getting off the bus to go home, because right now almost everything between then is a blur.
I had to walk home from Sherwood at 3 o'clock in the morning while I was half asleep, and very very sick. Argh, stupid ass sickness, ruining one of the best weekends ever.
Twas such a nice weekend, weather wise that is. Like... Twas quite hot, I went out both day, but whatever.
Hmm... Today Billy and I went on quite an outing to Dairy Queen, I now have 61 cents in my chequing account because of that outing! But I was impressed about the Reeses Cups Blizzard.
Since then I've just been chilling at home, litteraly chilling, the only thing that is keeping me alive now is a fan that is continuously blowing cold air into my face, good thing I got that fan last summer!
Well, it is time now for honourable meantions, and this time around they go out to Bumper. He may be on the same level as dirt... But he sure does love rolling in it, that crazy bastard. He and his jowls are an excellent combination, and I figure he is plotting to destroy something... What that something is, no one knows... Except his excellency, Arch Duke Bumper III!
My most sincere appologies,