Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wizard of Sod!

Yes it is I, the Wizard of Sod. Here again after long procrastination about writing blogs I am back.
I think the epic times started last Thursday. Even if it didn't, that is when I'm going to fucking start, so push off! Hmm... Thursday started off normal enough, and by that, I mean I can't remember how it started off. What I do know is that Dan, Peter, Sam, and I went to Tan Than viet namese resteraunt! Back up, I just recalled what happened before then! :D Sam, Peter, and I decided to go into the auditorium and play some instruments. I didn't play anything, but I listened. I'm good at listening. Anyway, with Sam on Drums, and Peter playing the bad ass Piano, I think they had the worlds best Piano+Drums band! They were really fucking good. Anyway, some more people started filing in, so that is when Pete and I made our exit.
Anywho, Peter and I were waiting for Sam to finish rep. Dan was off conveniently having his black black blood sucked up into vials to be presented to him. We tried doing many a thing to eat up the time, but they were to no avail. Eventually we broke into rep and told Sam we were going to leave without him. We didn't. But we did end up going to get Dan from his house. At that very time there was some rather loud construction going on on Dan's street. Anywho, we roused him and began returning to school. As we were passing that digging piece of crap the operator decided to go forward on the tracks, effectively deafening us with a sound that is relative to a cat, inside a shopping cart, being run over by one of those WWII tanks, which coincidentally had a fucking zeplin crash into it as well.
Anywho, with all shenanigans aside, we made our way to downtown!
Best food ever! Twas so fucking good, so much food. Gotta love eating with chop sticks, but next time I go I am bringing my own, for I don't have much use of them at home... In the end I wasn't able to finish my noodles, and I heartily regretted ordering a banana milkshake, for I remembered right after I got it that I am a bit allergic to bananas...
Anywho, all very good, except the bathroom.
Then we went on to the attached market of the same name. Here we found things that defile the eyes of man. Namely some of the animals that were cut up. We also found a rather large freezer box that was open and full of live crabs. No water, just crabs stacked upon crabs. Dan, always the humane one, equiped one of the fiesty buggers with a tooth pick to aid in the battle. The crab began hitting the other ones with the tooth pick, so all went as planned. It was there that I was introduced to the vile concoction... PENNYWART DRINK! And it's not so bad, but still gross cousin GRASS JELLY DRINK!!!1!
I will take some time now to explain these horrid things. Pennywart is a plant that naturally grows under the mud in Thailand. It is believed that it cures Leprosy. What went through the minds of these Thailanders as they reached into the mud to pull out this weed, and then blend it up with 1 part water to creat the softdrink labeled "Pennywort Drink" I truly do not know, but I feel that they should be murdered. I beg of you to send horrible emails to marketing@thaiagri.com . That is the email they provide on the can. Anyway, vile concoction, it was very hard to keep down. I went back Saturday after work to buy some more. When I got home I tried to drink it. I spend the next 10 minutes in the bathroom vomiting up the contents of my stomache. Luckily for me, and the toilet, there wasn't much, so must of the time I spend just heaving on the floor. I give it a 2 out of 10.
So that was my Thursday, the rest was basically just the usual. Work, sleep, school the next morning.
Friday! Yeah well.... Not much happened Friday that I can remember. Dan and Billy came over, I'm pretty sure those bastards got some more ketchup on my walls, but twas a generally good evening. I was fretting the morning when I had to go to work.
Alas, that morning came! Twas weird. Kinda half in a daze. I don't remember much, but I was at work. Twas a good day to be working actually, Jill was coaching us, Therease was there, as was Marcia and a bunch of the other girls who are fun to talk to. Steve was also there, can't have a Saturday without Steve, lol. Anywho, I bought Therease lunch at Harveys, partly because I had to talk her out of making me buy her a lunch from MacDonalds, that place is horrific. Anyway, we talked bout her studen exchange and crap like that. Anyway, I got 6 sales that day, which was a big thing for me because I was tied for the most sales of the day! Muahaha!
Sunday... I went to the gym... That's about it. I think I did something Sunday night, but I'm not sure.
Monday was good. I don't know what happened, prolly because it was not much, but eventually the time came for me to go to work. Now I REALLY didn't want to go in, and I was actually thinkinh of calling in sick for work. That would have been a big mistake. Again, my night shift was graced with the presence of some of my favourite co-workers, and again, Jill was out coach for that night. I had 7 sales... 7 sales in 4.25 hours. I don't even need to calculate the SPH (sales per hour) because I know that I am capped out and getting $17.50 for those hours. :) Now all I need to do is keep that up all week, and perhaps I'll even pull some extra hours? Probably not, but whatever. I made a lot of sales. :D
Tuesday, which is now officially yesterday (for it is 12:10PM as I am trying this), not much happened. When my mom woke me up this morning, because Nikki stole my fucking alarm clock, I thought it was Saturday, and I thought she was saying it was 9:30. I'd have freaked because I would have been late for work, and also because I distictly remember it being Saturday not too long ago. Anyway, enough of my hazy awakenings. All I did today was go to the Holocaust seminar at Mohawk college and finish my essay on Napoleon Bonaparte. For now you have proof I do not always live the action filled lives like those Biographies on me say. But they are right to say that the bitches are all-up-ons'!
Anywho... Yeah... So, GST is going down 1% in July? Anyone care about that? I do.
But not as much as I care about myself. :)



Blogger Ashleigh said...


1:25 PM  
Blogger Wedge14 said...

What happened to you me and billy listening to my dad's drunken ramblings?

Did i tell you how my blanket was on his bed, and how when i went to get it after you guys left it was covered in piss.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Sean Sloth said...

OMFG! funniest shit ever, I shall now do a small blog about that part of it!

7:37 PM  
Blogger DANZ! said...

with a sound that is relative to a cat, inside a shopping cart, being run over by one of those WWII tanks, which coincidentally had a fucking zeplin crash into it as well. <--- Exactly what it sounded like man. We need to return for soup and 303 again soon!

7:43 PM  

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