Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Video kill the WHAA?

Yeah bitches, I know it's been a while, but I'm back and blacker than the blackest rapper! (currently that is 50 cent)
Now I know you've all heard this phrase "Video killed the radio star.", but have we ever seen any evidence supporting this statement? Back in my homecountry of fuckyouania, we weren't aloud to just accuse people of murder publicly, well, at least not white poeple. Now it may be true that video killed the radio star, but video has gone the way of the dodo thanks to the interwebs; also, who the fuck is saying that radio is an innocent party in this? Last I heard that fucker murdered the fuck out of the telegraph, and you know what, the telegraph was an outstanding gentleman in all aspects. You wouldn't see the telegraph going around tricking people that it's the end of the world like a dirty backstabing jew? No you fucking wouldn't!!!
Now you might be sayin "hey buddy, why you so angry", and you know what? I'm not! I'm happy as fuck, I just hate EVERYTHING so much, that it seems I am constantly angry, this is me putting a cheery air on my opinions. Now if you want to see me angry, just meantion those dirty fucking money grubbing land stealing natives. I dare you to meantion thos redskins and anything good they've done for society, other than be a thurough outlet for my RAGAHOL!

Anyhow, this is Sean signing out, and if you were offended by this feel free to eat a bag of dicks. :>