Sunday, April 01, 2007

It's been a while

And still, not much at all has happened.
Please don't think that I am leaving my blog out of great details of my life, I am just very boring right now.
Life is pretty repetitive. Work a few days, chill with friends the rest. Party on the weekends. Repeat.
Not that it is a bad thing. Recently there was Chris' birthday party, which was cool, lots of friends and such.
I got a laptop on Thursday, tis not a bad piece of work.
It came preloaded with Windows Vista: Home Premium. It's taking a bit to get used to, but tisn't as if I don't like it. The laptop itself is very cool, took me about a day to tweak it to my comfort. Turned it to High Performance instead of some battery saving crap, lol. Apparently it is High Deff, I can't really tell any difference though, then again, I havn't put in any High Deff DVDs or anything like that.
Hmm... At work, TXU transfered an assload of people off, yours truly included. Prolly just because I annoyed the living hell out of my boss on a daily basis, for fun. I was on Wellcare for a while, which sucked, and since that campaign closed on Friday I am in training Monday and Tuesday for Aegon...
I am not quite sure what that is, all I know is that it isn't good... Or so I hear. Really, there havn't been many good campaigns at work lately, so I just hope enough of my friends are there so that it is bearalbe. Tis like they are trying to get me to quit.
Still havn't received my annual review at work... I realise it could take them a while, but I am one month away from my two year anniversary at that shit hole, and they still havn't finished my first annual review. Ahh well, I don't really plan on being there long enough to enjoy any possible raise.
Then again, my efforts (however small) at finding a new job have failed so far. I havn't really applied anywhere, so I guess that effort really isn't the word... I have not found or been able to think of anywhere that would be suitable to work. Protocol isn't that bad when you come to think about it. Flexible hours, decent pay... friends. But I've been seperated from my friends there, I havn't had comissions in a month or two, and they are about to screw with my hours. So unless those things are fixed, and fast, then I may have to redouble my efforts at a new job.
Hmm... Other than that, nothing significant has been happening recently. Lots of good movies coming out, that I really really hope I will have a chance to see. Not that I don't have the free time, tis just that I've got no one to go with, lol.
One month till Mohawk sends over the info and pay things for my course, then I can take it to Big Brothers and get them to give me my scholarship money. And by me, I mean Mohawk, lol. Gots tah love having a $2500 scholarship, which I can only imagine was awarded to me for me being so damn cool.
Umm... If anything else happens I shall blog it, or if enough time passes that I just get saddened of my life being so boring, I'll do a half assed/jenky blog like this one. :D

I am undoubtably the master of the world, and if you contest it, then I would damned well like to see some proof!



Blogger Ashleigh said...

I didn't know you were Chuck Norris.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Sean Sloth said...

Chuck Norris is me when I decide not to shave for a while

2:58 PM  

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