Saturday, July 15, 2006

Moon Unit Zapaa

I havn't blogged in a while, and I havn't really got a good reason to do so. But whatev.
So I've been working 10am-6pm every day this week. Tisn't too bad. This way I get to wake up early in order to get a breakfast, I usually have some sort of lunch, and a dinner!
The people there are cool, I paticularly like the day shift. Sucks that we're getting split up though, I'm going to miss JP... That loud bastard. But luckily for me Tarah is coming to the training with me, which proves that there is at least some sort of day shift.
I've been dreaming quite a bit this week, though I forget it all now, I distictly remember having dreams. Sucks that I didn't dream last night, guess it was because I had too much on my mind... Or maybe that causes dreaming, I dunno. lol, I fucking love to dream.
You know what? Reality really fucking sucks. Why do you think there are so many games in the world? All escapes from reality. Don't you just hate having a really realistic dream where something really good that you want happens... And then you fucking wake up? Sucks... But yeah. I started reading a new book, one of the Dune series made by the original authors son. Not as good, but I'm going to give it a chance. At the very least it distracts me from my life.
I went to Wild Water Works today! It wasn't too bad, not as good as I had intended though. I'm kinda pissed that Nic ditched me, whatev. Dan and I pimped up that Works like nobodies business. Twas a bit too crowded though.
I got a lawn gnome this week. It might seemt to be an unimportant fact, but not to me. I am still trying to decide where to put the little fella, he is quite an important room-mate now.
Ohh! A lot of my shit from ebay got sent out last week, so I am looking forward to it's arrival in the next 1-2 weeks. I can't wait to get my new DVDs, they are so going to rule. I'm getting a new DVD stand as well, for I filled my last one, and they don't fit in my CD rack... Blasted design flaws.
I just noticed that I've got nothing else to talk about. It's been weeks since I last blogged, but ever since I started working 9-5 (or 10-6) my life has gotten even more boring... I shall finish it off soon.
I'm going to the gym more these days, I still totaly need someone else to go with me though, lol. Really sucks going there alone. Last, but not least, I got my prom pictures developed. Nic looks stunning, and there are quite a few funny ass pics of a rather drunken after party. Including one picture that no one remembers what's happening.

So yeah, that's me. Please donate your time or money to making me more entertaining. You can do this by calling 905-318-6424 and someone shall take the gist of what you want.

Peace out Nigstars,