Saturday, October 22, 2005


The game last night was great.
Ticats finally won something, and I got in for free. Selling 50/50 tickets till halftime wasn't too bad either.
I can't beleive what they charge for good their though, tis outrageous.
Too bad Ash is sick, I think she would have likef the game. (get well soon Ash)
I finally put more minutes into my cell phone, so now all you chumps can call me when I am out of the house... Knowing how much you guys call me when I'm in my house... :(
Anywho, work is soon, so I gotta be leavin,

Sunday, October 16, 2005


A cut banana muffin is delicately sauteed with slices of bananas and carmelized butter, then tossed in home made toffee sauce and heated. It comes with vanilla ice cream in the middle and is tipped with hot caramel and icing sugar.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thank Ya Mam!

Tomorrow is pay day, yay!
Wow, rhyming... dam.
Tis another beautiful Thursday, but this time I am not at work. :D I like not working, but if I do this for too long the money runs out, and that is never fun. A poor Sean is a... Sean without money... (Thanks Cpt. Obvi)
Today was a pretty good day, other than the fact that I got drywall mud all over my favourite pants, ahh well, Ash is happy about that. :P I really like taping and mudding, tis so easy, yet no one else can do it well. That abstard Drew hasn't been to class all week, so I don't care, not like he can do much at this point. I already had to put some drywall on his side to attatch the corner piece, and I left the screws out a bit, but meh.
Chem was fun, I finally got the hang of balancing chemical equations, and writing down the proper for of things like, sulphate, and bicarbonate. ;) We also got to watch things fizz and make smoke as the teacher showed us some reactions. Our tin didn't react, so it messed up our results, but ahh well, not my fault.
Health sucked, I want gym back. We are doing stuff on stress, but we really havn't covreed much on how to deal with stress, which is no good, I need to know how to deal with it! We went into the computer lab to do some work, but I can't concentrate on work when I'm there. So I said I will do it at home, and seeing as it counts as my Health test mark, I had better do it. :|
Chilled with Ash for a while today, twas cool. Saturday she /should/ be meeting me after work, which will be a grand releif, I dislike work.
Tomorrow is the release of Ravnica, should be fun, many people will be there, lets just hope I don't get bored half way through, as I usually do. Tomorrow is also pay day, how convenient. It will be small because I'm not making the kind of money I used to... Bastard new campaigne.
Hmm... Not much else that is new... Wow, I suck.

Well, I'm off.