Sunday, June 11, 2006

Code Plaid

Yeah, I havn't blogged in a while.
Now, I'm going to regail you all with the tale of the last few days or weeks as I remember it, key phrase there is "as I remember it". I usually try from the earliest memory to present time, but I think I shall give it a twist this time, might make things easier. I'll tell it to you from present till the earliest I remember! The order may still not be as crisp and clean as one would expect, but again, as one might expect, neither is my memory.
Okay, Saturday... I worked and was really, really tired. I got 4 sales before break, and Steve was calling me cap-out-boy. I don't like encouragement that makes me seem better than the team, but I suppose that's what bosses in a competitive environment are supposed to do, so whatever. The sales slowed down, and from then on I only had 3 sales, this probably happened because I found that all 4 sales of mine that I did on the station I was at before break went on recall because the computer fucked up and lost the recordings. I had been told that they fixed that error, but of course, they hadn't. They found all of them, but then they put another of my sales on recall. This time they said it was because I didn't read a part of the script, and I had to correct them and tell them that for California we are not supposed to read that part of it. Apparently the person who varifies our sales didn't know that, it was his first day, as if that's an excuse. From telling them that I saved the rest of the calls that were on recall for the other reps, and therefor I saved the day!
The bus ride home after work was one of the most uncomfortable ones ever! I didn't have a book so I tried to sleep or something, the closest I came to sleep was closing my eyes. So here I was with my eyes closed trying to guess what part of the 22 bus rout I was at, and occasionally opening my eyes to confirm it.
I didn't really do anything after I got home, I talked to my friends and slept.
Friday, now this was a good day!
I went to all my classes *hurrah*, so I'm pretty sure I should get some sort of award for going to all of my classes on the last day of school. I was so tired as well. In math I did fuck all, aka, nothing, in history we just talked, and then Jon put on a dvd that disproved all the things we were told about 9/11. It had a very compelling arguement. I was half asleep while watching it. Then I went to English, we were made to watch a large portion of Hamlet, the Mel Gibson one. It wasn't half bad, but I was so unfomfortable in the chair, and argh... Just wasn't good at all, I tried sleeping again, and I did. I think it was from anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes. Donita kept giving me these weird looks all day, she really disgusts me some times, I just hope she never reads this.
After class I was off to Sam's house, but I was abducted by Pete and Dan before I could get there. We drove over to the Harveys by my house, and it turns out that Dan was the only one that was going to buy food, so that was kind of a waste of gas, but twas Pete's decision and Pete's van. While Dan was out I stole his front seat, and showed him how to properly drive-by-insult people. There were many 'a laugh.
I didn't do much at Sam's when we got back, we watched Shrek2 because he had never seen it before, and basically just went around his house doing crap, we had to wait for his parents to get home, and they took so bloody long. When they got home Sam coerced the car off of them, and we drove by my house so that I could dispose of my school stuff. While I was there I checked the mail and it turned out that I had receieved my White Ninja pins! I was quite happy.
We then returned the car, bussed to My Buddy's, bussed to Corktown, and proceeded to listen to some good music.
The whole night at Corktown was good, it started off with not too big of a crowd, but the crowd grew, and the sales went up. It was the Sauce Rock-It CD release show, and they fucking rocked ass. They had gotten an article in The View written about them and how they were a great up-and-coming band. It was done by some really good writer I'm told, the name escapes me for now.
Anyway, then we were off to the afterparty, but it was kind of a bust, so Kev drove me home and I slept a mighty sleep at 5 o'clock in the morning. (Yeah I know it's technically Saturday, shutup).
Hmm... not much else comes to mind... The Friday before that, Sam, Billy, Pete, Jess, and I went to B&T, but I was kind of off my game and the food didn't seem all that appealing to me, I was also in some wicked stomache pain.
I did a lot of school work, and a lot of work work... I got the tickets for Nicole and I to get into prom, and was very happy about that. I cannot wait to take her to prom, I just hope she is as excited as I am about it! :D
I am also pretty excited about being out of school... Next month I am going to start work full-time... Start the bets on how long until I go postal with a .50 cal sniper rifle! Jk, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle it, and if I ever feel weak... I'll just think of the money. :)
A few more developements are that the D&D thing is going to start being up and running soon. I am also looking to start a modern roleplay, I've already got Chris interested, and maybe with a little bit of coaxing I'll get Billy and Kev to join. If you're interested in something as nerdy as role playing, or if you just like to role dice for the hell of it I think I may have a spot for you in my campaign. :)

Anyway, that's enough writing for now,

p.s. I knwo I've written more before, but I honestly can't remember if anything else happened... I wonder why my memory is always so fucked.


Blogger Ashleigh said...

1. Cool beans.
2. She's not.
3. I'll join up with D&D if a) Someone will teach me how to play, and b) I don't have to tell my mum about it. Because she already says that if we had gone to high school together, I would have been one of the kids she beat up and threw stuff at.
4. You forgot about your backpack. BLOG IT DUDE!

9:32 PM  
Blogger Wedge14 said...

Sean will you teach me how to be cool?

9:38 AM  

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