Monday, February 20, 2006

Fuck Winter!

Okay, here's my little post on winter.
Fuck it up it's stupid ass! And don't even think about giving it a reach-around. I'm not going to give the average "Canadian" bitching about the weather, in fact, I love the weather! I love the snow, and all of that, I'm not too hot on the getting sick part though, but I'd much rather be sick in winter than summer.
The reason I hate winter is... STATIC!
I fucking hate static! You know those god damned experiments where you give a rat a food pellet that is electrified? It learns not to go for it doesn't it? I now fucking hesitate every time I even go near a fucking door knob!
I know that seems funny, but it pisses me off. Tisn't just some little shock that you're like "was I shocked?" This is the shit where it's like... You can see the fucking static between the knob and my finger, the shit makes me like... pull back my arm!
Yeah, I can fix it with a humidifyer or whatever-the-fuck, but it just wouldn't be winter without it.
Now onto the fact why I want summer.
No more fucking school for the break. I'll be working full time downtown, which means I get to spend my lunch time enjoying gore park and walking around in the sun while bands play and hobo's ask for money... I fucking love downtown! I'll have my god damned weekends off! I'll be able to like... go to amusement parks and shit like that for my weekends! My mom will be able to drive me to shit on Saturdays because I won't be working, and I doubt Nikki will have a job... No offence Sis.
Man, I am so looking forward to that summer shit, I went to WWW once last summer! ONCE!!! Granted I was there for 7 hours straight with no shade or sun-screen, and subsequently aquired a blistering (and yes, my skin did actually blister for about 3 days afer) sundburn. But I want to go there more... like... every fucking weekend more! I'll have enough money to do that, as well as save up like it's going out of fasion.
After that shit I'll be going back to school for another semester, there-in my bitch ass will finally turn 18 (yay! porn, lottery tickets, and credit card! :D)
I'll get my G2 (I'm planning on going for my G1 after I pay off Barb...) and I'll be able to drive off into the horizon!... And then come back and sleep.
This whole almost being an adult thing is fucking ludacris, I'm 17-years-old! And I know, everyone is saying "Well I'll remember that next time you ask to be treated like an adult" The thing is that I don't ever fucking ask to be! I don't see all the hype in it... You get to do jack shit and whatever you want, you have no obligations, and everything is payed for. If any fucking kids read my blog (doubtful, I don't think anyone reads it anymore) don't ask to be treated like an adult, cherish these last few fucking years of pissing around and doing nothing of consequence! Soon I'll have to apply for college/university *cough*Mohawk!*cough* and pay for that shit, I'll have to pay rent, I'll have less of my earning given back to me on tax returns... BLAH!
And these days all kid's my age see on TV are our fucking idols making it big and doing jack shit to get there. Bands that get a lucky break; sluts that have rich daddies and sex tapes to make them popular; and just the usual 25-year-olds playing the role of highschool kids and distorting out views and shit.
Ahh well, I'll work my ass off at the shittiest job ever, make a reasonable amount of money, and go to school so I don't have to be like those poor fucks who are like... in their 30's and working at Protocol like it's a real fucking job. Here is how you can tell whether or not your job is real.

A. Is there anyone under the age of 20? (Excluding like... 1st year interns) If so, your job is worth jack shit.
B. Is your management actually organized and there? If no, then fuck that shit.
C. Do you have a human resources? Do they actually have company events such as: Picknicks, Sports events, Fundraisers? I guess you can have a real job that doesn't do that... If you're in the trades or some shit like that.
D. Do you make less than $11/h? If so, I can beat that most weeks... So you suck.
E. Do you ask if they want fries with that? Pretty fucking self explanitory.

All in all, I don't know what I want to do, and seeing as I graduate this year, if I don't get my shit in gear I'm pretty much fucked... Thanks BB for that beautiful $2500 scholarship to get my through my first year though. :)
How did this all come from static electricity you may ask? Good question.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read it sean. lol. this one kind of bored the shit out of me. sorry.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. do NOT work full time at Protocol. I did it all for the summer of 2005.. BIG MISTAKE!(kinda). Other then the loads of cash I was bringing in. Blah.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Ashleigh said...

I read it.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Sean Sloth said...

sherri, go fuck yourself
ash, good to hear
everyone else, fucking comment!

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sean. Sucker your stuck with me next year. One of the jerk's who dosn't graduate. Well my future sucks, either somehow make everything awesome, or go join army and get killed fighting dinosaurs in vietnam. Ah well thats life. Had soemthing intelligent and insitful to say, now I forget. Ta ta sean.

6:50 PM  
Blogger Sean Sloth said...

lol, that a boy billy

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sean, lick my cunt you asshole :)

6:22 PM  
Blogger Sean Sloth said...

you're not paying me enough for that ;)

7:34 PM  

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